A Logo Could
Go In Here?

This Page Is Full Width, To A Maximum Of 1050px Wide

This page had the table width removed from the table tag. Which means it will default to full width. Some of the improvements in this template version
  • Table attributes moved to the stylesheet
  • More include files added
  • Max-width now works in IE as well as Firefox! (for those that don't realize it, that's not an easy job)
  • Simplified navigation, easier to change
  • New class for heading background
  • New header area for logo or text
  • Font size is now % rather than fixed

  • this is a list with custom bullets
  • you can use your own graphic
  • the image is called from the stylesheet
  • which makes it quick and clean
  • It also makes it more difficult for someone to "borrow" your custom bullet

Donec accumsan sem. Ut risus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Pellentesque eget mi. Nunc a ligula. Integer et neque. Pellentesque nulla enim, scelerisque sit amet, elementum a, facilisis ut, turpis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris placerat, arcu vel pharetra iaculis, urna purus viverra nisl, ac semper diam metus ut ante. Sed congue, turpis at scelerisque facilisis, elit enim facilisis ipsum, eu blandit sem massa mattis lorem. Integer ipsum velit, luctus pulvinar, ultrices dapibus, venenatis sed, tellus.

Your H2 Heading

You can use an SBI Table Of Contents (TOC) include here.I have not put that into this template, however if you wish to do so then email me and I can give you the information to do it.

Notice the heading background passes BENEATH images, text-boxes etc? See the boxes lower down on this page.

You may or may not like that effect, but I think it adds a little depth to the page.

So pay attention to where you use this, if you dont want this to happen.

link to page

Your H3 Heading

You can use an SBI Table Of Contents (TOC) include here.I have not put that into this template, however if you wish to do so then email me and I can give you the information to do it.

Doing it this way, you can pick and choose which pages you want to show your visitors, add a grahic as i have done here, and also add any special interest tier 3 pages. As this is edited very easily, you can update this area quickly and easily, to include new pages that you want to draw attention to. Think of it as a "best of" for whats inside your site.

arrow gif link to page

This Is A Full Width Text Box

Handy for putting some text in, that you want to stand out from the rest of your page. Just copy and paste the entire code, and put it anywhere you want. Then just replace this text with your own. You can also put a picture in here.

A Half Box to The Left

This div is 1/2 width, and aligned to the left. You can replace the image with your own, and cut and paste the entire code to a more suitable spot on a different page.

This box will always stay at 1/2 the width of the column, and will extend down the more you type into it. Which means that you can divide your main content column into 1/2, without actually adding any cells to the table. A pretty good way to do it, I think, and it adds a little visual interest to the page .

More headline Text

If you don't like the way that the heading background passes under the text box, that's easily fixed. You would simply put the heading code above the code for the text box, instead of below, as it is here.

See the next box down as an example.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris placerat, arcu vel pharetra iaculis, urna purus viverra nisl, ac semper diam metus ut ante. Sed congue, turpis at scelerisque facilisis, elit enim facilisis ipsum, eu blandit sem massa mattis lorem. Integer ipsum velit, luctus pulvinar, ultrices dapibus, venenatis sed, tellus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris placerat, arcu vel pharetra iaculis, urna purus viverra nisl, ac semper diam metus ut ante. Sed congue, turpis at scelerisque facilisis, elit enim facilisis ipsum, eu blandit sem massa mattis lorem. Integer ipsum velit, luctus pulvinar, ultrices dapibus, venenatis sed, tellus.

More headline Text

A Half Box To The Right

This div is 1/2 width, and aligned to the right. You can replace the image with your own, and cut and paste the entire code to a more suitable spot on a different page.

This box will always stay at 1/2 the width of the column, and will extend down the more you type into it. Which means that you can divide your main content column into 1/2, without actually adding any cells to the table. A pretty good way to do it, I think, and it adds a little visual interest to the page .

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris placerat, arcu vel pharetra iaculis, urna purus viverra nisl, ac semper diam metus ut ante. Sed congue, turpis at scelerisque facilisis, elit enim facilisis ipsum, eu blandit sem massa mattis lorem. Integer ipsum velit, luctus pulvinar, ultrices dapibus, venenatis sed, tellus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris placerat, arcu vel pharetra iaculis, urna purus viverra nisl, ac semper diam metus ut ante. Sed congue, turpis at scelerisque facilisis, elit enim facilisis ipsum, eu blandit sem massa mattis lorem. Integer ipsum velit, luctus pulvinar, ultrices dapibus, venenatis sed, tellus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris placerat, arcu vel pharetra iaculis, urna purus viverra nisl, ac semper diam metus ut ante. Sed congue, turpis at scelerisque facilisis, elit enim facilisis ipsum, eu blandit sem massa mattis lorem. Integer ipsum velit, luctus pulvinar, ultrices dapibus, venenatis sed, tellus.

The class for this font is changed in the stylesheet. It is only here to give you the option of a bold text, without the extra size

Subscribe to My RSS/XML Feeder

Text in this column is set to 86% size of the main center column.

A Nav Include Is used Here

The navigation is css driven. As there are no graphics involved, the load and response times are very fast indeed. Having the navigation code stored off the page also increases load speed.
This is a good area to add your RSS information.
You can even add an image to this column.

Recommended Golf Swing
Learning Resources

Text in the footer column is set to 86% size of the main center column.

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