On Learning GolfThe Blog
"For People Who Love Golf!"
"On Learning Golf"
On Learning Golf is an ongoing extension of Golf-Swing-Magic.com.
Most of the articles in this blog, thus far, come from a book by Percy Boomer of the same title: On Learning Golf, but I intend to include articles from other sources (including my own) as time goes by.
How to Navigate This Blog Book
The most recent entries are briefly displayed in this page. Feel free to click on the "Read Article" links to read each full entry. Or use the "Permalink" if you want to link any of the entries to your site (if you have one).
As for the rest, you can access previous entries by clicking on the navigation menu at the bottom of each blog page. The name of each link is, I hope, self explanatory... but just in case....
Archives will take you to an index of entries by month. Articles will take you to a complete and growing list of all the articles (the most recent ones at the top), and "Entries by Category" will take you to the different categories this blog book is divided into.
Feel free to explore this blog book. I hope you enjoy it and learn from it.

15-06-2010 - Putting: Part 2
To teach yourself to putt successfully, you must study the putt in its relation to the technique of every ether shot in the game, not as a thing apart. That is why I say to my pupils at the very start of their golfing days, "I putt as I drive."
Of course,... (Read Article)
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13-06-2010 - Putting: Part 1
IF you want your golf to be based upon sound principles, beware of the feu de mots.
Avoid falling a victim to those slogans and catch-phrases with which golfing talk and golfing writing are so liberally peppered.
The slogan is the enemy of thought, and... (Read Article)
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13-06-2010 - I'm Still Playing Golf... I Just Have Not Been Writing
Time goes quicker after 30.
It's been a fair while since my last entry to this blog, and I apologise to all my subscribers for my long silence.
On the one hand, life got in the way.
On the other hand, I had a technical difficulty. The application I use to update my blog got corrupted, and it took me ages to recover the records so that I could continue blogging.
But I've continued playing my weekly (and sometimes fortnightly) golf, and keep learning.
I still use Dante's moves for my iron and wood swings in the fairway. But I use the Purepoint simple swing with my driver, and I find it more effective for some reason.
Anyway... as all the systems have been restored, I intend to continue including the rest of Boomer's On Learning Golf in the following weeks.
But after that, I intend to include additional content in relation to the golf swing, and the short game.
In that respect, once the rest of On Learning Golf content has been published in this blog, the focus of the blog itself will change back to the main topic of this site: The golf swing at the different stages of the game.
I hope you stick around.
Thank you for sticking around till now. I hope you will stick around for more.
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