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Golf Downswing Check Points

This is it. This is the golf downswing check points section.

We can't see them in the actual swing, of course, but we can stop the swing now and then and take a look.

To check your hand-wrist position, stop your golf downswing at the so-called hitting position: You should see only one knuckle of the left hand and two knuckles of the right, as in A. If you see two or three knuckles of the left and only one of the right, as in B, you have lost the position gained by the backward break.

If the swing has been made correctly and if the hand-wrist position gained by the backward break has been held, then one knuckle of the left hand should be visible and two of the right, the club face should be at about a 45-degree angle with the ground, the right arm should be firm against the right side.

And if the hips have gone through as they should, the player should be able to see the outside of his right leg from the hip to the foot.

Except for seeing the outside of the right leg, these check points are exactly the same as they were after the stationary wrist-break on the backswing.

If two or more knuckles of the left hand can be seen, you have eased up on the wrist position and opened the club face.

If the right arm is not firm against the side, you have turned your shoulders from the top and manipulated the club head.

And if you can't see the outside of your right leg all the way down, you have not kept your head back.

So much for the magic moves from the top: We have seen what they are, how to make them, how they feel, where they bring us, and how to check on them.

They probably strike you as strange, and there is no doubt they are elusive, but they are by no means impossible.

All our good golfers make them with every shot they hit. Why is it, then, that these moves are so difficult for so many people to get?

You'll find out the answer to this question in the next section dealing with golf players'eternal preocupation with the golf club head.

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